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The building represents the remained part of the historical estate of the period of classicism in a zone of protection of a landscape on the bank of the river Melnichnaya.
The main house of the large estate of the city head Kobychev – one-and-a half-storey with a mezzanine – hasn't remained.
The one-and-a half-storey stone outbuilding, covered with the iron gable roof, leaves to the line of construction of Gorky street with the east facade with a proportional partitionings of the harmonious residential floor and is more squat lower one, as it was accepted in the Siberian houses. The boarding pediment of the main facade is cut with a semi-circular attic window. The plastered facades are topped with the simple wide wooden cornice with the profiled draft; the ground floor is decorated by the rustic seams and allocated on facades with the smooth interfloor belt.
The middle part of the yard – the southern facade – is adjoined by an addition with a porch. The yard, economic half of the outbuilding is lost.
In a middle part of the building there is a wide outer entrance hall dividing two rooms in front and a yard halves, each has three windows on the side facade. The entrance door is flanked by two narrow windows.
The windows of side facades are topped with the pediments on the consoles with the triangular pediments through one.
The modest decoration of the facades peculiar to classical style is supplemented with the continuous subwindow draft and the archivolt over the middle window of the upper floor.
The house is a monument of residential architecture of the first half of the 19th century, a basic element of the city merchant estate made in empire style forms.