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Catalog of objects
S. Konovalov's estate. 1850th
Address: ул. Ленина, 67

The estate is located on the southern side of Lenin Street and consists of the main house, the shop, the two-storeyed stone outbuilding in the heart of the site and two two-story wooden barns.

The estate is an interesting example of the merchant trading-residential estate of the second half of the nineteenth century.

The house. The one-storey stone building on a semi-basement, complex in the plan, has seven windows on a northern facade. The unplastered facades are the in forms of "brick style": intricate cornice on the figured consoles under a wide attic; the rusticated blades framing corners and parts of the walls; carved brick in the window-sill belt.

The shop.

The brick facade repeats forms of the farmstead house with the tape rustication, paneled corner blades, cogged pediments with gables over the windows and the finishing attic.

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