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Catalog of objects
The house of the estate of Bezyazykov. The end of the 18th century
Address: ул. Перенсона, 69

The wooden house on the basement with a farmstead gate between fences located in the southern line of historical building of the street is turned by the main facade with three windows to the north. It is a log house with the remainder under a steep hipped roof with a squat basement, partially closed with the cultural layer (in two centuries the house has sunk to the earth on four rows of the frame). The extended side (western) facade is adjoined by a porch with stairs to upper floor and door to the basement from under the stairs.

Under a wide cave of the roof and the profiled cornice of the facades there are small windows framed by simple platbands decorated with square and rectangular plates; the decor of the platbands of the windows of the ground floor are decorated with the traditional superimposed triangles. The rare windows of yard facades and the log house consisting of the perfect logs of large diameter processed by the axe at the ends are of interest.

Before the revolution the house belonged to Bogatkov who married to the daughter of the former owner Bezyazykov (the petty bourgeois who had a visiting house).

The old house is of historical and architectural value in respect of undisputed antiquity of origin, "archaic" lines of shape.

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