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The three-storeyed stone building covered with iron hipped roof is turned by a northern six-axis facade on Kirov st., by an eastern nine-axis one to Partizansky Lane, receding from the frontage lines a little. The western facade is adjoined by the wide volume of a late stone staircase in three axes on a facade which appeared obviously after a collapse of an old staircase. The southwest yard corner of the building is beveled. The entire volume differs on height of the tiers – value in hierarchy of floors of a public structure.
The internal planning is formed by the longitudinal and transverse walls with the allocation of a middle outer entrance hall. The original staircase was in the middle of the western half of the building. The rooms of the ground floor are covered with old close arches with strippings over the widows. The platforms of the late stair are based on the cross vaults, and marches – on the creeping arches. The plastered facades are topped with the classical tooth frieze under the wide profiled. The parts of the facades are divided by blades evenly, forming three-part partitioning of both street facades in accordance with the internal planning and the corners are decorated with the blades. In the middle part of the facades the interval between the first and second tiers of windows is deepened with a rich profile that "reveals" an architectural surface.
The design of the southern and western facades, the most severely affected by fire in 1869, has remained in fragments.
Offices in Yeniseisk are established in 1782 according to the Institution about the provinces, later the district court and the treasury were located there.