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Catalog of objects
The shop of the trade estate of Zamarayev. The end of the 19th century
Address: ул. Ленина, 124

The brick building (formerly on the basement) is located on the corner of Lenin Street and Pozharny Lane. The turn of the building has a slanted corner with the high porch under the figured attic. The entrances from the street facades are finished by the attics on the roof too, supplied with two-fold iron sun blinds. All fence walls are highlighted with rustic blades. Earlier the estate consisting of trade storage facilities took all quarter to Basseynaya Street (nowadays – Babkin Street).

It was constructed at the end of the 19th century for Zamarayev's shop on the place where in 1852-56 an exiled M. A. Fonvizin lived. In memory of it there is a memorial plate on the facade.

Aditional images: