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The three-storyed stone building on the high socle covered with an iron hipped roof with the fifteen-axis facade faces the northern line of building Lenin Street and forms the main street of the town. The middle part of architectural volume is allocated with a considerable three-axis projection with the figured attic over the main entrance. Thanks to the side projections, the eastern and western facades are stretched on eight window axes, and the classrooms have good lighting. The longitudinal corridor in all floors divides the building into northern and southern halves. The semi-basement and the vestibule in the middle part of the building are blocked by the arches. Over the vestibule there is an assembly hall. The front staircase is located in the northern middle projection. The brick facades are topped with the profiled cornice (with wooden – lining overhang).
The leading role at construction belonged to I. P. Kytmanov who invested 50000 rubles in the construction. The total cost of construction amounted to 81118 rubles. The unplanned add-in of the third floor (at a high semi-basement) made the building the highest in the town. The architect Zhukov inspecting the end of the construction in 1886 suggested replacing of the wooden stairs with stone ones.
After the construction of the building the Yenisei men's pro-gymnasium was transformed to a gymnasium.
Classes in the pro-gymnasium began on 27 September 1876. In a preparatory class 25 pupils, in the first – 16, in the second – 10 pupils were accepted. N. N. Storozhev was appointed the director of a pro-gymnasium. There were often not enough regular teachers therefore experts were recruited from other educational institutions. In 1886 in men's pro-gymnasium the first graduation of the pupils who had completed a full course of training (six classes) was made. In 15 years 45 young men graduated from the pro-gymnasium. Among them were Konstantin Kytmanov – the doctor of medicine, Konstantin Stankievich – a justice of the peace, Veniamin Semidalov – a doctor of the Moscow clinic, in 1882 among the graduates there was Stepan Vasilyevich Vostrotin – an owner of gold-mines and a mayor. Success of the graduates of the men's pro-gymnasium was quite natural as much attention was paid to development of pupils.
In 1913 in the assembly hall of a gymnasium F. Nansen made the report about prospects of the northern Sea Route. In 1915-1917 F. Lytkin, a famous future revolutionary and the poet, studied in the gymnasium.
The building of the gymnasium in Yeniseisk is a monument of history and culture of the region – educational institution in the second half of the nineteenth century.