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It is a two-storeyed wooden building, covered with iron hipped roof whose northern five-axis facade faces the coastline of building of Petrovskogo Street. The front northern facade is plastered, on an extreme western axis in both of its floors there are dual windows.
The western facade is adjoined by an addition with a staircase, an exit to the street (now filled up) and the glazed verandah in the second floor. The facades are topped with a wooden cornice and a narrow frieze from modelled rhombs with garlands. Between the floors there is a narrow draft. The windows of the upper floor are framed with the simple platbands decorated with a small carving on an internal edge and topped with a modelled ornamental pattern. The windows of the first floor are closed by a sun blinds, come to the end with simple wooden shelves.
The house belonged to the Yeniseisk merchant A. L. Tonkonogov (the owner of pubs in Yeniseisk) and then to his successors. The house is the example of the small wooden house of the period of architectural eclecticism which is allocated with elegant modelled decoration of the facade in the ensemble of the coastal building along the Yenisei.