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Catalog of objects
The town hospital. The 19th century
Address: ул. Декабристов, 1

The historical complex was formed since the middle of the 19th century. It is situated on the southern suburb of a historical part of Yeniseisk. From the east the territory is limited to Dudarev Street passing along the hospital garden. The site of a complex has the configuration extended in the width direction.

The complex consists of a main building (on the northern side of the site), several outbuildings, a barn (in the middle of the site) and a residential building for staff. The constructions occupy the western part of the site, and eastern half is occupied by a birchwood.

In 1829 Decembrists F. P. Shakhovskoy, N. S. Bobrishchev-Pushkin and A. I. Yakubovich were treated there.

The barn

A monument of national wooden architecture on an image of the 18th century – the most valuable structure of all complex with a garden. It is constructed at the beginning of the 19th century. It situated to the east of the main building of the hospital on a precipitous slope.

It is a two-storeyed log house "in оblo" from logs with a diameter of 23-25 cm, the larch foundation leg of bigger diameter serve as the base.

The main building of the hospital complex

The house was built in the nineteenth century and intended for accommodation of hospital staff. It is located in the northern part of the site, the main facade faces North. It is a two-storeyed log cabin under a metal hipped roof. The decor of facades is modest: simple platbands of windows, there is a canopy over the entrance.

Residential block

It was constructed at the end of the 19th century and intended for accommodation of hospital staff. It is located in a middle part of the site from southern side and represents a timbered two-storeyed log cabin with the remain under a gable roof and the western bar-shaped two-storeyed butt joint (under one roof).

Outbuilding I

It was constructed at the end of the 19th century. The house on a high base, extreme from the west side is located on the territory of a hospital complex.

Earlier it was used for accommodation of patients.

It is a log one-story cabin under a hipped iron roof with large dormer windows. In planning of rooms there is an auditorium. The doorway is filled and the canopy over an former entrance on the southern facade is lost. A part of old window openings is closed

Outbuilding II

It was built in the late 19th century. Is in the middle row of three similar buildings to the west of the main building.

It is a log one-story cabin under a hipped iron roof with dormer windows and later wooden additions from the longitudinal facades.

Outbuilding III

It was constructed at the end of the 19th century. It is far east regarding three similar buildings and to the West of the main building. It was used as a hospital ward.

It is a log one-story cabin with the remain and the later wooden additions: a vestibule at the western facade and wooden pantry at the northern facade.

Outbuilding IV

It was originally used as a hospital ward. It is separate from other buildings in the southern part of the site, by a long facade it is turned to the north.

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