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Catalog of objects
The house of the estate of Nezhdanov. The 18th century
Address: ул. Перенсона, 71

The estate behind a traditional zaplot (fence) is located in a historical quarter of the wooden building to the south of the Spassky monastery. The house is placed long sides in depth of a historical premises and it is a one and a half-floor log house on the basement, which has sank a lot to the earth, nowadays under a thin plank roof. A side (western) facade is attached with a red (on carved columns of a canopy, taken away with blocks on ascents) porch with stairs to upper floor under which the entrance to the basement is located (the second, later entrance is placed from the eastern side). The design of the face facades is of interest: on a front and on a yard facade to two windows of the basement correspond three windows of the upper floor. Under the wide cave of the steep roof there is a massive profiled cornice of timber "hemmed" on releases of logs; the bottom of the cornice is decorated with "dentello". In the front half of the house windows have platbands with swinging shutters on the dowels, straight labanya with the cutting of "dentello". On the windows of the yard walls there are no platbands, single leaf shutters are attached to the logs. All the windows are framed with window posts and surrounded with notches. The walls from big logs are whitewashed.

The estate belonged to several generations of a family of Nezhdanov. The builder of the house is a gold miner, the native of Yeniseisk.

The ancient house is valuable as the sample of folk wooden architecture of Siberia which has kept characteristic constructive details: traditional "braced" planning and a side red porch of the 18th century. At a simple decor the big house of harmonious proportions differs in integrity of original shape.

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