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Catalog of objects
The barn of I. Gryaznov’s estate. The end of the 19th century
Address: ул. Кирова, 72 / пер. Партизанский, 5

The large two-storeyed timbered log extended in the plan "in oblo" is located in the central protected zone of the historical part of Yeniseisk near the street leading to the main square.

To the western end face of a high barn the porch with a wide ladder to the first tier covered by the gabled roof on the carved columns is attached. The barn has the symmetric corridor scheme with entrances in end faces on each tier divided by cross cutting into four equal compartments connected with the wide openings with the corridor.

The walls are cut through by five tiers of dormer windows with partially remained peaks.

Roof is semi-hipped with the iron roofing. The high attic has windows: semi-circular dormer-windows and rectangular ones in end face trapezoidal pediments.

The barn built at the end of the 19th century was in the estate belonging to successors of Yeniseisk petty bourgeois I. Gryaznov. Except the barn the estate included the two-storeyed house, the outbuilding, the canopy, the zavoznya, cotes and the stone shop.

It is a valuable monument of folk wooden architecture of the 19th century, a rare type of large public storage in urban development of Siberia.

Aditional images: