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The two-storey stone building covered with iron hipped roof forms the construction of the Yenisei embankment. The house faces a one-way northern line of Petrovsky street with the long facade having eight axes.
Over all the windows there are crossing points, and in the upper floor there pediments also of bow-shaped over the platbands of the windows.
The plastered and whitewashed facades are topped with wooden Yenisei lining wide cornice under which there is a smooth frieze with extended blades. The floors are divided by the profiled interfloor belt. The base with air holes which has sunk to the earth is allocated with a ledge.
The main northern facade is divided by blades into three parts, in the upper tier the blades are decorated with the panels.
The cross wall allocates the western three-window part of the building; the longitudinal corridor setting against it divides the building into the front and the yard halves; southern backyard one, in turn, is divided by the staircase.
In the second half of the 19th century the building underwent considerable reorganization: window openings were changed, and their number was increased, probably, internal planning was changed. In 1887 the new owner – the Yeniseisk merchant Funtosov gave the upper floor to the second parish school.
On Voronov's water color "A view of the district town of Yeniseisk" (1837) this building located to the west of Church of the Resurrection and belonging originally to the petty bourgeois Kozitsyn looks one-storey on a basement.
At the beginning of the 19th century (according to the description) Kozitsin's house had a steep roof with politsas, an open gallery in the middle part.
Kozitsyn's house is one of the earliest objects of heritage of stone building and together with The Church of the Resurrection and other buildings of Petrovsky Street form the ensemble of the embankment along the Yenisei.